Author: 30blakesh


Everybody has habits, like brushing your teeth, taking a shower, and sleeping. For the past month and a half I have had a new habit, planking. A plank is when you go into a push-up position and stay there for…

Myself As a Reader

Image from Unsplash   I read for many reasons. One of those reasons I read is because the books I read are very funny. Another reason I read is because sometimes my teachers assign it. Some of the most recent…

The Big Nate Series

The Big Nate series is really fun to read. The series  is about a 6th grader named Nate Wright and his  friends Teddy, Francis, Chad, and Dede. Nate loves to draw, play soccer, and play basketball. His favorite food is…

Camp Kirkwood

  The Bus Ride Last Wednesday, all the sixth grade students  were waiting for the Carolina Livery buses outside of the pod. We were all waiting and anticipating the trip to YMCA Camp Kirkwood.  Mr. Lovett gathered us all to…